【992-9】Be a better person」(全面學習、成就全人)1


Vector Data Model

To prepare spatial data for computer processing, the

vector data model first uses points and their x-, ycoordinates

to represent spatial features as points, lines,

and areas. Then it organizes geometric objects and their

spatial relationships into digital data files that the computer

can access, interpret, and process.

Simple Features

The vector data model uses the geometric

objects of point, line, and area to represent

simple spatial features


Topology is the study of those properties of geometric

objects that remain invariant under certain transformations

such as bending or stretching.

Diagrams or graphs are used in topology for studying

the arrangements of geometric objects and the

relationships between objects.


An early application of topology in geospatial

technology is the TIGER (Topologically Integrated

Geographic Encoding and Referencing) database

from the U.S. Census Bureau.



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