作者:Herbert J. Rubin & Irene S. Rubin
書目:Qualitative Interviewing: The Art of Hearing Data
章節:Chapter 4、Chapter 6、Chapter 7
★詳細資訊請點我: 讀書及學習行動小組申請細節
作者:Herbert J. Rubin & Irene S. Rubin
書目:Qualitative Interviewing: The Art of Hearing Data
章節:Chapter 4、Chapter 6、Chapter 7
作者:James Mahoney and Gary Goertz
篇名:The Possibility Principle: Choosing Negative Cases in Comparative Research
作者:James Mahoney & Dietrich Rueschemeyer
書目:Comparative Historical Analysis in the Social Sciences
章節:Chapter 1(Comparative Historical Analysis: Achievements and Agendas,pp.3-38)
書目:Designing Social Inquiry:Scientific Inference in Qualitative Reserch
章節:Chapter 6:Increasing the Number of Observations
書目:Designing Social Inquiry:Scientific Inference in Qualitative Reserch
章節:Section3.5:Rules for Constructing Causal Theories、Chapter4:Determining what to observe
書目:Designing Social Inquiry:Scientific Inference in Qualitative Reserch
章節:Chapter 1、Chapter 2