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目前分類:【100-2-31】外語習得新書導讀與討論 (6)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

A sociocognitive approach to SLA: How mind, body, and world work together in learning additional languages by Dwight Atkinson;

SLA after the social turn: Where cognitivism and its alternatives stand by Lourdes Ortega


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Language socialization approaches to second language acquisition: Social, cultural, and linguistic development in additional languages by Patricia A. Duff and Steven Talmy


  1. 感謝尤雪瑛老師和招靜琪老師參加我們這次的讀書會。
  2. 討論


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An identity approach to second language acquisition

Bonny Norton and Carolyn McKinney


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A complexity theory approach to second language development/acquisition


  1. 討論


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The sociocultural approach to second language acquisition: Sociocultural theory, SLA and artificial L2 development

James P. Lantolf


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Cognitivism and Second Language Acquisition

Dwight Atkinson (2011)


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